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How to use the script
Always check code before running it on your computer. Even basic scripts like this one. If you’re not a developer, ask an LLM like ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini to verify it for you.
Option 1: Install to your AE Folder
Download and install the below .jsx file in your After Effects Script folder. You can then run it using the scripts menu, or by using a launcher like Quick Menu 3.
Option 2: Adapt the script yourself
Alternatively copy the code below and develop your own version. If you’re not a developer you can do this easily with an LLM like ChatGPT.
// Access current composition
var comp = app.project.activeItem;
if (comp && (comp instanceof CompItem)) {
app.beginUndoGroup("Create Guide Layer");
// Create a new shape layer
var shapeLayer = comp.layers.addShape();
shapeLayer.name = "Center Guide";
// Set layer as guide layer
shapeLayer.guideLayer = true;
// Vertical Line
var verticalLineGroup = shapeLayer.property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Group");
verticalLineGroup.name = "Vertical Line";
var verticalPath = verticalLineGroup.property("ADBE Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");
var verticalPathData = verticalPath.property("ADBE Vector Shape").value;
verticalPathData.vertices = [[comp.width / 2, 0], [comp.width / 2, comp.height]];
verticalPath.property("ADBE Vector Shape").setValue(verticalPathData);
var verticalStroke = verticalLineGroup.property("ADBE Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke");
verticalStroke.property("ADBE Vector Stroke Color").setValue([1, 1, 1]);
verticalStroke.property("ADBE Vector Stroke Width").setValue(2);
// Horizontal Line
var horizontalLineGroup = shapeLayer.property("ADBE Root Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Group");
horizontalLineGroup.name = "Horizontal Line";
var horizontalPath = horizontalLineGroup.property("ADBE Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");
var horizontalPathData = horizontalPath.property("ADBE Vector Shape").value;
horizontalPathData.vertices = [[0, comp.height / 2], [comp.width, comp.height / 2]];
horizontalPath.property("ADBE Vector Shape").setValue(horizontalPathData);
var horizontalStroke = horizontalLineGroup.property("ADBE Vectors Group").addProperty("ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke");
horizontalStroke.property("ADBE Vector Stroke Color").setValue([1, 1, 1]);
horizontalStroke.property("ADBE Vector Stroke Width").setValue(2);
// Slider Control for opacity
var sliderControl = shapeLayer.property("ADBE Effect Parade").addProperty("ADBE Slider Control");
sliderControl.name = "Opacity Control";
var opacityProperty = shapeLayer.property("ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Opacity");
opacityProperty.expression = 'effect("Opacity Control")("Slider")';
// Set anchor point to center of layer
var x_center = comp.width / 2;
var y_center = comp.height / 2;
shapeLayer.property("ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Anchor Point").setValue([x_center, y_center]);
// Set layer position to center of composition
shapeLayer.property("ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Position").setValue([x_center, y_center]);
} else {
alert("No active composition.");