Barry Green is a writer, performer and teacher. He was principal bassist for the Cincinnati symphony for 28 years. He’s coached hundreds and hundreds of people on their performance, not just the practical but the inner game. He’s an endlessly fascinated and inspiring musician who’s been on a lifelong quest and exploration of musical mastery. He’s the perfect guest for us to have on.
What you'll hear about
- Barry's 3 books: Mastery of Music, Bringing Music to Life and The Inner Game of Music
- How Barry became involved in the Inner Game and then how he applied it to music
- The principles of the Inner Game
- How Barry has worked with these principles in other professions as well as music
- The principle of ‘relaxed concentration’ that creates optimal performance
- How to practice using inner game principles
- How to deal with distraction and increase your focus
- The importance of detail and paying attention
- The value of trust in your work
- An indepth look at how Barry coaches musicians
- The principles of awareness, commitment and trust
- How our aim is to ‘become’ the music and get out of our heads
- A deep look at Barry’s study of the body, voice and rhythm that led to his book ‘Bringing Music to Life’
- A look at Barry’s mentor Francois Rabbath
- The value of vulnerability
- ‘The moment of go’ - core defining moments of your life.
- A look at Barry’s project: Anna’s Promise, Anna’s Way and Anna’s Gift.
Big thanks to Jason Heath for the intro to Barry Green.
‘Every time you throw something away, it frees you up to see something else’.
- Barry's Website
- Libby Larson
Anna’s Promise highlight videos:
US Army Orchestra, August 18, 2016 Premiere2 minute 40 second Trailer: Anna’s Promise
8 ½ Minute Story Highlight Video:
SPCA: Anna's Promise Complete performance: 55 minutes (not necessary for link probably)Combo + Strings August 12, 2016
Anna's Gift Trailer: U. of N. Texas. Eugene Corporon Conducting.